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01Local Tax Payment Guide for Foreigners

Like domestic residents, foreigners who purchase or own properties, vehicles, etc., are required to pay corresponding local taxes. The local taxes you pay will also be used for the settlement and employment support of foreigners, and for welfare expansion.

Easy and Convenient Local Tax Payment Methods

  • Online Payment
    • Wetax (www.wetax.go.kr)
    • Pay via Internet Banking
      ※ Membership registration and login → Register digital certificate → Inquiry and payment
  • Mobile Payment
    • Pay by scanning the invoice QR code in KakaoPay, NaverPay, Payco
  • Payment at Banks
    • Pay at any bank nationwide with your invoice
    • Even without an invoice, you can pay via a credit (debit) card, bank book, or CD/ATM machine

Helpful Local Tax Information

  • Individual Resident Tax

    If you have registered as a foreigner under the Immigration Control Act and have retained a place of residence in Yeonsu-gu for over a year, you should receive an invoice, and you must pay the individual resident tax every August.

  • Vehicle Tax

    If you own a vehicle, you should receive an invoice from your place of registration and pay the vehicle tax every June and December.

  • Property Tax

    If you own real estate (buildings, land, houses, etc.), you should pay the property tax every July and September.

  • Acquisition Tax

    If you acquire real estate, vehicles, etc., you should report such purchases and pay the acquisition tax within 60 days.

  • Local Income Tax

    Individuals obligated to pay income tax under the Income Tax Act and corporations obligated to pay corporation tax under the Corporation Tax Act should report such taxes and pay a local income tax (individual/corporate) on their income.

If you fail to pay local taxes, you may face various disadvantages

  • Limitations on Visa Extension

    If you fail to pay your local taxes, your visa extension will be limited (only up to 6 months will be permitted).

  • Seizure of Property and Claims

    Vehicles, real estate, deposits, wages, insurance (maturity insurance for departure, return cost insurance, etc.) may be seized.

  • Public Auction

    Owned vehicles, real estate, etc., may be publicly auctioned.

  • Confiscation of Vehicle Number Plates

    If you fail to pay your vehicle tax, the vehicle number plate may be confiscated, and its operation may be restricted.


  • Residence Tax on individual 032-749-7480
  • Car Tax 032-749-7510
  • Property Tax 032-749-7470
  • Acquisition Tax 032-749-7490
  • Local Income Tax 032-749-7500
  • Local Tax Delinquency 032-749-7520
  • Non-Tax Revenue Delinquency 032-749-7535

Guide to Basic Living Order

  • Please dispose of all household waste in front of your home (store) on the designated days!

    Violation of disposal time and methods will result in a fine of up to 1,000,000 won.

  • Please separate recyclables and dispose of them in designated places.

    If household and food waste are mixed with recyclables, a fine of up to 1,000,000 won will be imposed..

  • Don't carelessly litter by throwing away cigarette butts and trash.

    Unauthorized dumping will result in a fine of up to 1,000,000 won.

  • When going out with a pet dog, please use a short leash of 2 meters or less and promptly clean up any feces.

    Violations of these rules will result in a fine of up to 500,000 won.

  • Please check whether parking is allowed in the area.

    Illegal parking will result in a fine of up to 130,000 won.

  • Please do not smoke in non-smoking areas.

    Smoking in a non-smoking area will result in a fine of up to 100,000 won.

  • 이 게시물은 "공공누리 제 3유형(출처표시+변경금지)" 조건에 따라 자유롭게 이용이 가능합니다.
  • OPEN 공공누리 공공저작물 자유이용허락 | 이용조건:출처표시+변경금지


  • 담당부서 : 세무2과
  • 담당팀 : 세외수입총괄
  • 전화번호 : 032-749-7530